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From €59.51
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Well protected all around: trade fair and exhibition insurance

  • Insurance coverage for trade fair stands and goods

  • Initial and return transport can be additionally insured

  • Liability insurance with a coverage of €10 million for personal injury, property damage and financial losses

  • Accident risk protection for the stand personnel

Table of contents
Product information

As an exhibitor, Messe Berlin offers you exclusive trade fair and exhibition insurance.

A trade fair insurance that covers all risks for you: transport, trade fair stand and employees. The trade fair and exhibition insurance consists of 3 optional modules:

Trade fair and exhibition insurance

From €59.51

Insurance coverage for the following:

  • Exhibition stand and equipment

  • Goods

  • Merchandise

  • Packaging

  • Personal property of the stand personnel during installation, dismantling and during the trade fair

Transport insurance (optional module)

Calculate your premium now
  • All-risk insurance

  • Transport insurance coverage exists from the place of departure of the goods (initial transport) including return transport

  • Co-insurance of unscheduled storage (up to 30 days) before and after an exhibition

  • Co-insurance of the goods during installation and dismantling

Liability insurance

only €129.71 per exhibition
  • Coverage of €10 million for personal injury, property damage and financial losses

  • You are insured in your capacity as an exhibitor

  • Your employees (your own and others) are insured

  • Rental property damage due to fire, explosion, tap water and wastewater as well as other rental property damage to buildings and their equipment are also insured

  • Risks from the delivery of food and drinks are also insured – on the exhibition space provided by Messe Berlin GmbH, including installation and dismantling

Accident insurance

only €21.42 per person
  • There is insurance coverage against the consequences of accidents that happen to the exhibitor as well as their own or third-party stand representatives during the official duration of the exhibition

  • The direct journeys from and to the place of residence or work are also insured, insofar as they are located within Europe

  • Sums insured: €10,000 in the event of death, €75,000 in the event of disability

Trade fair and exhibition insurance according to your wishes

You can find the complete terms and conditions here:

Download terms and conditions

In collaboration with

Allianz trade fair and exhibition insurance

What services are included in the trade fair and exhibition insurance?

  • The goods mentioned in the contract including packaging

  • Exhibition stand

  • Stand equipment

  • Personal belongings of the stand personnel

What damage is covered by the trade fair and exhibition insurance?

Damage that has occurred during the stay or storage that the policyholder has not caused. Here, the insurance coverage applies up to 30 days before and after the exhibition.

If the optional transport insurance module has been selected, the following also applies:

The exhibit is insured against all risks during the transport and duration of the Berlin trade fair stay.

The trade fair and exhibition insurance protects against this damage.



A short circuit causes parts of your trade fair stand to catch fire. Although the fire can be extinguished quickly, some of your exhibits are damaged.

Amount of damage: €15,900

Damage to rental property


Due to the carelessness of an employee, the floor of the exhibition hall is damaged.

Amount of damage: €5,650

Transport Insurance


The lorry trailer with which the goods are to be transported to the trade fair is broken into in a lay-by. Some valuable exhibits are stolen.

Amount of damage: €55,000

Collaboration with our partner

Questions and answers